Projects List

2024 Projects

374 Malawi, 6 villages - Mpoto, Likangaliya, Tiki, Mandota, Kamoto and Kwakhwaniwa. Repair of borehole pumps to 6 communities which had broken down leaving thousands at risk of cholera. The pumps serve approx. 3,550 people plus 1,018 students. With Aid Africa, funding of £3,817.

373 Malawi, 7 villages in rural locations. In response to the cholera outbreak which followed the devastating cyclone, 100 household toilets serving 371 people are being constructed to improve sanitation standards. With Aid Africa, funding of £2,205.

372 Uganda, Mama Elisabeth School, Olony, Gulu. Complete water system comprising borehole, pump, tank and pipework for new school. With Bujagali Trust, funding of £10,785.

371 South Sudan, Mamenze - primary schools in Maridi and Ibba. Provision of 5,000 litres tanks to each of two new classroom blocks to harvest the heavy seasonal rains. These will be the only source of clean water. With African Revival, funding of £1,600.

370 Uganda, Mpigi Region. Rehabilitation of a non-functioning borehole providing water, sanitation, hygiene, and environmental improvements. With Busoga Trust, funding of £2,500.

369 Uganda, Busunjju near Kampala. Provision of the latrine blocks (boys & girls) for New Hope School (under construction) for 300 children from the Kosovo slum. With HUGS, funding of £9,000.

368, Rwanda, Cybatanzi. Construction of 5 new pit latrines at the Audacious Church and Community Centre. Construction is by volunteers - funding of £2,500 provided alongside £2,300 already raised.

367 Uganda, Adudi Kisole ‘A’ village. One shallow well and two spring protection projects.With Afrinspire, funding of funding of £2,040.

366 Uganda, Mukongoro village. Provision of 3 x 10,000 litre rainwater harvesting tanks including roof shading structure providing reliable clean water to a remote community. With JEGMI, funding of £6,000.

365 Malawi, 4 villages - Suwed, Thamanda, Lolo and Makumbi. Repair of borehole pumps to 4 communities serving approx. 6,400 people in total. Training in maintenance and long-term care included. With Aid Africa, funding of £1,822 (including contribution from Mulchand Foundation). 


2023 Projects

364 Ghana, Daarteng (Upper West Ghana) Deep well serving a small remote community (136 people) which has no access to clean water. With Ghana Outlook, funding of £4,000.
363 Uganda, Busia Shallow well serving 500 - 700 people and 2 spring protections, each supporting 200+ people. With Afrinspire, funding of £2,034.
362 Uganda, locations to be determined Rehabilitation of 3 non-functioning boreholes including training in sanitation, hygiene, bees and trees.With Busoga Trust, funding of £7,500 (including contribution from Highway One Trust).
361 Tanzania, Buhigwe Kigoma Shallow wells with rope pumps at two village schools (Bwafumba and Nyamilambo). With Tanzania Development Trust, funding of £3,000 (contribution from Mulchand Foundation).
360 Malawi, 6 Villages - Likhura, Njonjo, Kamoto, Mtikhe, Makhonja and Mwaliwa Further repairs to wells damaged by Cyclone Freddy (see Projects 346 & 354) serving 707 households (3,900 people) in total. With Aid Africa, funding of £2,800.
359 Uganda, Kalonga 70 m. deep borehole at Hope City Church providing well serving community of 1700 people including 7 schools and a clinic. With Chawn Hill Church of Stourbridge, £2,500 funding provided towards the total cost of £6,500.
358 Uganda, 4 Villages - Bungondo, Atiira, Kimi and Bukedea 4 shallow wells serving 269 households (1,614 people). With Teso Development Trust, funding of £6,000.
357 Tanzania, Buha and Nkundutsi 2 wells serving schools, a shallow one with a rope pump and the other with electric pump.With Tanzania Development Trust, funding of £4,600.
356 Kenya, Molo Water tank and tower to supply Kings House Children’s Home. With Kings House via Belmont Church (Exeter), funding of £2,200.
355 Uganda, Bulumbo Well for Little Angels Primary School serving 50 families living in rural areas (300 - 400 people). With Forever Friends of Uganda, funding of £3,052.
354 Malawi, 12 Villages - Bandawe, Katemera, Likangala, Liphava, M’Mora, Mberenga, Muhanya, Tharu, Nakhwikwi, Nthita, Phweremwe and Vileliwa Repairs to wells damaged by Cyclone Freddy (see Project 346) serving 6,228 households (26,000 people plus 2,522 school children). With Aid Africa, funding provided of £4,287.

353 Kenya, Kalulini (Eastern Kenya) Rainwater catchment and storage for 1,000+ people (wells have been unsuccessful in this arid area as water produced is saline). With Advantage Africa, funding of £4,900.

352 Uganda, Mukongaro and Kanyamisinga, 2 villages in Buhoma Two spring water protection projects conjunction with JEGMI (see project 335). Funding of £3,128.

351 Uganda, Mpigi, Jinja, Wakiso, Mitooma, Rukungiri and Kumi Districts Repairs to 9 wells which have either broken down or were working poorly. With Mission4Water Uganda, funding of £2,673.

350 Uganda New well plus protection of a further 23 springs. With Afrinspire, funding of £2,000.

349 Zambia, Kaliyoliyo Village Installation of new well plus training in hygiene and sanitation for the community of 300. With Village Water, funding of £4,643.

348 Mozambique,  Manica Province Rehabilitation of waterpoint to support 327 people including maintenance training for local community. With Village Water, funding of £967.

347 Zambia, Western & Central Provinces Rehabilitation of waterpoint to support 300 people including maintenance training for local community. With Village Water, funding of £1,363.

346 Malawi, Various Villages (Mbeza, Yuma, Kaliat, Kathumba, Maloya, Tiyera) Seven borehole pump repairs provided to address the emergency situation following devastation caused by Cyclone Freddy. With Aid Africa, funding provided of £3,112.

345 Tanzania, Kasulu District, Kigoma 2 boreholes provided with rope pumps for Shunguliba Secondary School and Rusesa Primary School. Will benefit over 2,600 people (includes water testing). With Tanzania Development Trust, funding of £3,178.

344 Uganda, 2 Borehole Rehabilitations Refurbishment of two redundant boreholes to provide 100% clean water using high quality stainless steel for maximum longevity. Project also domestic latrines, “tippy tap” hand washing and maintenance training for the local community. With Busoga Trust project, funding of £5,000.

343 Zambia, Misaka Rehabilitation of collapsed borehole funded by WWfA twenty years ago (Project 54) which has enabled the local community to thrive over that time period. With Kaniki Trust, funding of £1,275.

342 Uganda, Kitino Tima Village, Gulu District Construction of a borehole providing clean water for a village population of 1715 (245 households) which currently has limited access to clean water requiring a 2-3 hour walk for collection during the dry season. With Amigos, funding of £5,200.


2022 Projects

341 Uganda, 7 varied locations Repair of seven wells which have broken down, each leaving 200 - 300 people without clean water and living in extreme poverty. With Mission4Water, funding of £2,290.

340 Uganda, St Francis de Sales School in Jinja Construction of pit latrines at school for children who are deaf or have associated disabilities. With Helping Uganda Schools, funding of £5,363 (including contribution from Highway One Trust).

339 Uganda, Omugara, Kyere sub-county and Ongobi, Osugoro Olio sub-county 2 shallow wells, one serving 384 people in 64 households and the other serving  402 people in 67 households. With Teso Development Trust project, funding of £3,000.

338 Tanzania, Mkigoti Primary School and Ishimwe Secondary School, Kasulu District, Kigoma Boreholes with rope pumps for two schools with 1384 and 867 pupils. With Tanzania Development Trust, funding of £3,000.

337 Uganda, 8 locations Construction of 8 protected springs in locations across eastern Uganda. With Afrinspire, funding of £2,000 (topped up by local contributions).

336 Zambia, village location to be determined. New borehole and training of local community. Funding of £4,200 agreed for project to be carried out by Village Water.

335 Uganda, Kanyashande and Nyakeina, 2 villages in Buhoma. Funding of £2,880 agreed for two spring water protection projects in conjunction with JEGMI (Joint Efforts for Green Mountain Initiative).

334 Malawi, 4 villages to be identified. Funding of £2,000 agreed for repair and refurbishment of 4 boreholes, each serving between 500 and 1,000 people. To be carried out by Aid Africa.

333 Uganda Rehabilitation of two boreholes and associated works including supporting maintenance programme. In collaboration with the Busoga Trust. Dave Tonks to visit this project on 26th/ 27th September 2022.

332 Mozambique, location to be determined. A village waterpoint to be rehabilitated. Funding of £736 agreed to support this Village Water project.

331 Zambia, location to be determined. A village water point to be rehabilitated. Funding of £1,047 agreed to support this Village Water project.

330 Uganda, Little Shepherd School in Rutunguru. Funding of £2,950 for a new pit latrine at this school in a remote part of South Uganda. Project in conjunction with HUGS (Helping Uganda Schools).

329 Malawi, Michesi Primary School. Sanitation installed following devastation caused by recent cyclones. Funding of £2,626 provided to Aid Africa.

328 Malawi, Chazuka School. Borehole to be provided for the school in Chazuka. Carried out in conjunction with Handforth based charity with funding of £4,806 partly raised through Dave Tonks’s 3 Peaks Challenge.

327 Burkino Faso, Yoroko Feso. A new well to be named “Wilmslow Wells for Africa” costing £5,216 funded by a donation in memory of a local supporter of WWfA.

326 Uganda, Akam Dyang Village, Gulu Area. Deep well with Amigos, £4,700.

325, Uganda, Matuba Village. Deep borehole with Act 4 Africa, part funding of £4,000

2021 Projects

324 Ghana, Kuondoble. 60 metres deep wells to serve 450 people with Ghana Outlook, £4,360.

323 Kenya, Sishei Shallow Well. Hand dug deep well with Geoff and Diannah Charitable Trust, £2,957.

322 Malawi, 9 Borehole Repairs. Pump repairs to boreholes supplying water to 842 households (approximately 3,650 people) - with Aid Africa, £4,370.

321 Tanzania, 2 Secondary Schools in Kasulu District, Kigoma. Each school provided with a hand drilled borehole and rope pump - with Tanzania Development Trust, £3,000.

320 Uganda, Mukono Village. Spring water well provided with Joint Efforts for Green Mountain Initiative, £1,385.

319 Uganda.  Protection of a further 14 springs with Afrinspire (see Project 310), £3,080.

318 Uganda, location to be determined. I hand augured borehole. Funding of £500 alongside a private donation supporting a Mission 4 Water project

317 Uganda, Vocational Training Centre north of Kampala. 1 hand augured borehole. Funding of £2,500 alongside monies from Highway One Trust supporting a Mission 4 Water project.

316 Uganda, Fishing Village near Entebbe. 2 hand augured boreholes with supporting links. Funding of £2,500 alongside further monies from the Highway One Trust supporting a Mission 4 Water project.315 Zambia,Chuundwe Primary School, water harvesting for 528 pupil, with  African Revival £5181

314 Sierra Leone, Manowa community, boreholes, tap points around the town, improved latrines facilities for 12,000 people including 3 schools, health centre and surrounding settlements. The community are victims of civil war and the Ebola epidemic resulting in a higher number of widows and orphans as well as a significant number of disabled people. With CED  £5k with a further £5k later towards the total cost

313 Malawi, 2 public latrines for 60 people from 2 villages, with Aid Africa £435

312 Malawi, Liphala, Ethiru, Chitawo villages, 3 pump repairs for 1180 people, to be supported by an Area Mechanic visiting 3 times a year, with Aid Africa £1175

311 Zambia, washstands usually for 18 students, Chaisa Combined School, 3000 pupils, Lianda Combined School, 3480 pupils and Chingwere School, 2030 pupils,  with Build it International £3,600

310 Uganda, protection of 10 springs, with Afrinspire £2,200

309 Malawi Ibuluma village, deepen a well, with Friends of William Stewart £700

308 Zambia, new well with hygiene, with Village Water £3929

307 Mozambique, Trangapasso EPC community, well rehabilitation for 360 people, with Village Water £1018

306 Zambia, Kosolo village, well rehabilitation for 234 people, with Village Water £940

305 Uganda, Teso community 4 wells Opapa (600 people), Kongoto (570) Olua (720) Moru (720) all close to Lake Kyoga, with TDT £6,000

304 Uganda, Rutunguru, The Little Shepherd School, water harvesting using a 10,000 l tank, with HUGS £640 (funded by The Mulchand Foundation)

303 Uganda, Kosovo Slum in Kampala, 25 taps each serving 5 families, with HUGS £3250 (funded by The Mulchand Foundation)

302 Uganda Refurbishment of 3 shallow wells using stainless steel parts and supported by a professional maintenance programme, with Busoga Trust £6k

301 Zambia, Siamoono Primary and Secondary Schools 465 pupils water harvesting with African Revival £6832

300 Zambia Handwashing Stand, funded by the “Soap and Water Appeal” with Build it International £1800

299 Uganda, Midpro, Mecdo and Busia districts - 10 protected springs with Afrinspire £2220

2020 Projects

298 Malawi, Nazambe and Nkhulambe districts 9 borehole repairs, including one primary school, 5500 beneficiaries including 1386 students. With Aid Africa £2874

297 Uganda, St Francis de Sales Special Needs School, Jinja -  water harvesting using a 90,000 litre underground tank. This is a school for teaching deaf children who are unable to access mainstream education because of a lack of provision for them. At present 125 children but the number will increase to 250 pupils. With Helping Uganda Schools (HUGS) £ 5,000  

296 S.W.Uganda, St. Matia Mulumba Primary School, Maska - 3 water harvesters (6 tanks in all) for 350 children and 19 teaching staff. Part funded by Highway One Trust. With EVC (Empowering Vulnerable Children) £5602

295 Tanzania, Rondo College plus a clinic used by the surrounding 3 villages and beyond, - water harvesting for 4476 people with Bishop James, Diocese of Masasi £2160

294 S.W.Uganda, St. Matia Mulumba Primary School, in Kyankoole Village , Maskasanitation – the toilet block will have handwashing tank and soap. Part funded by Highway One Trust. With EVC £4,500

293 S. W. Burkina Faso, Kora Village- “Joyce’s Well”- a borehole for 880 people and livestock. Named in memory of Joyce McClure a longstanding supporter and volunteer. With Myra’s Well £5,260

292 N.Uganda, Kinene Village, Gulu District, - borehole for 294 households with Amigos £4500

291 Uganda, Busia District, Katu Well - a shallow well for 876 people with Afrinspire £2079

290 Uganda Busia District, Manakor B Village, Aso well -a shallow well for 872 people with Afrinspire £2079

289 Kenya, Marakaru, East Bungoma , deep hand-dug borehole with hand pump -for a community of 2500 households, with Geoff and Diannah Charitable Trust £2867

288 Uganda, 4 shallow wells with TDT £6,000

287 Zambia, 2 permanent handing washing facilities each for 18 pupils, with Build it International £3,600

286 Uganda, 20 protected springs, with Afrinspire £4,440

285 Malawi, 7 borehole repairs with soap distribution, with Aid Africa £1581

284 Ghana, Akuavevbeg village, borehole, for 1,000 people, with Ghana Outlook £4000

283 Kenya, Embulbul School, Special Needs Unit,  substantial latrine and shower block for 30 pupils  part funded by our “Not Going Out” appeal.  Adds to Project 244 water harvesting and handwashing,   with Alice Gathoni  £4472

282 Zambia, borehole repair. This is part funded by Bolton Daybreak Rotary Club, with Village Water £1852

281 Malawi, 7 borehole repairs with distribution of soap, for 20,000+ including 4 schools. This is a community just emerging from a 3 month hunger period. The repairs help to stop the spread of COVID 19 by reducing overcrowding at pumps as well as deterring the use of polluted water sources, with Aid Africa £1708

280 Uganda, Nasuuti Busimba and Basuuti South Bugenda 2 well refurbishments, with Busoga Trust £3500

279 Uganda, Shallow well, with Busoga Trust £3000

2019 Projects

278 Zambia, Light of Hope School, in an impoverished farming community near Nyanzabili town, 855 people, 155 in school, with Build it International £5k  towards latrines.

277 Kenya, Kwangora Special Boarding Primary School, 45 pupils with cerebral palsy, drawn from five counties. Disability friendly latrines in the compound, with Alice Gathoni £4146

276 Burkina Faso,’ Beryl’s Well’  £5k with Myra’s wells.

275 Democratic Republic of the Congo, Institut Minembwe-Rununda ,– one of the highest performing secondary schools in the region, especially for girls – water harvesting and 6 latrines plus EP Kaloholo Primary School – 6 latrines . These remote rural schools are on the high plateau, in South Kivu, Eastern DRC. With the grave threat of Ebola WASH facilities and education are important in preventing its spread, with Build Africa/Street Children £7500

274 Uganda, near Kamli -  a protected spring with Uganda development Services, £324

273 Uganda, Paya, eastern Uganda – 85 adults and 560 children, this is a very poor community – a shallow borehole with Afrinspire  £2144

272 Uganda, Te-Olam village in Gulu district, northern Uganda - 90% are children, women, elderly and disabled - a 90m well and good hygiene practice, with Amigos £4,500

271 Malawi, Part 1: - completion of a water tower which will boost water pressure and act as a reservoir by holding night flow water for day time use, especially during the dry season (2000 households) Part 2: -upgrading the Mtikhe  pipeline to give an adequate and uninterrupted water supply (856 households) Part 3: - construction of a new pipeline to Gogo Nazombe  Health Centre , also benefitting 3 villages (1068 households) with Aid Africa £5,207

270 Malawi,  Bilisoni Village (460 households) and Gogo  Nazombe Health Centre in Chiringa, Phalombe District, southern Malawi – 2 borehole pump repairs with Aid Africa £361

269 Kenya, Gatimu Special School  - latrine block £3,600

268 Uganda in Kitayunwa and Bugaya Parishes, using locally readily available materials, the community will be trained in constructing 9 water jars in each parish with Ugandan Development Services £2072

267 a) Uganda, Mecdo Nursery in Manafwa,  a new nursery where children are currently taught under trees, latrines for the new nursery being constructed  for 85 children (expected to grow to 165 children) £ 915

        b) Zambia, Samfya, latrines at a nursery in this swamp area, for 1000 children £1349 both with Afrinspire

266 Uganda,  in Busia district 2 shallow boreholes for 182 adults and 878 children with Afrinspire £4000

265 Uganda, in Midpro, Mecdo, and Busia districts 20 protected springs  with Afrinspire £3600

264 Zambia, Chililabombwe  northern Copper Belt,  Maclaren Christian Primary School and the adjacent community, where 1/3rd  of the pupils come from the adjoining very poor community and are not charged fees,  borehole and tank for 1000 people with John Miles £3540

263 Uganda ,Rakungiri (school at Rushararazi and its community) water harvesting  with 30,000l tank , with Mission Direct £5200

262 Malawi, Chiduba et al, 6 borehole repairs  1120 households (5,000 people) with Aid Africa £1151

261 Malawi 6 borehole repairs for 1281 households (7,000 people) with Aid Africa £1,166

260 Mozambique 2 boreholes with Village water £10,182. Chivuma and Chauranga villages.

259 Zambia Mpatisha Village  for 250 inhabitants a borehole. Many of the households are headed by widows looking after grandchildren, orphaned after their parents died of AIDS. With Kaloko £7,987

258 Kenya Gatimu Primary Special Unit  for 45 children water harvesting £1500

257 Burkina Faso Yil-Yaale Village “Betty’s Well” for 1500 people with Myra’s Wells £5,000

256 Kenya Ole Polos Primary School, Eburru with 329 pupils, 3 water tanks, 3 handwashing stations, 1 borehole An area where 50% of the population live in poverty. With Build Africa £15,000

255 Zambia Siamoona Community Primary School with 380 pupils borehole with African Revival £4514

254 Burkina Faso Selohin,Ouagadougou A centre for handicapped children for over 1000 children. A borehole with Transform Burkina Faso £ 6,125 less £2750 which is the balance remaining from Project 220, Tomba, where the drilling failed.

253 Uganda Iganga District rehabilitation of 2 wells with Busoga Trust £3500

252 Uganda Iganga District a shallow well with Busoga Trust £3500

251 Zambia Mala Community School – a remote community school 191 enrolled pupils expected to increase as many local children are out of school (funded by friends at Keyworth)  and Kalomo Basic  1220 pupils ( of which 631 are girls) handwashing stances  with African Revival £1155

2018 Projects

250 Zambia Machaya School £6000 towards the cost of latrines with Built it International

249 Uganda Ayira A Well in Lira District Deep borehole (90m) for 1584 people Amigos £4500

248 Uganda 20 spring protections with Afrinspire £3600

247 Uganda at Bata and Eroto. For 1065 people,two shallow boreholes with Afrinspire £2000 each

246 Zambia Katole School £ 3,084 towards the cost of the latrines with Build it International. This is from an underspend on project 215.

245 Malawi 12 borehole repairs with Aid Africa £ 1,676

244 Kenya, Embul-bul Special School, water harvester for 34 children £ 1,550. The residents in the area are mostly of low income. Ministry of Education grants are irregular and inadequate, leaving the unit dependent on donors to meet its operation costs.

243 Uganda 6 hand dug wells with TDT £9,000. These wells will be in the remote Soroti region of NE Uganda.

242 Zambia, Siamwamvwa Community School (450+ pupils) and Lubombo Community School (230+ pupils), water tanks for hand washing alongside hygiene education with African Revival £1,155

241 Mozambique, Chachiana Village (275 people) and Muwawa Village (295 people), two wells and hygiene promotion with Village Water, £9600.

240 Malawi, 7 borehole repairs for 1678 households (10,000 people including passing foot traffic ) with Aid Africa £490. The pumps had broken down in 2017. During the year, seeds were not planted as there was no hope of irrigation – diminishing the quality of the family diet.

239 Ghana, Apau School and Village , Amede School and village  - for a  total of 4,134 people, water harvesting and hygiene education with Village by Village £2717.

238 Zambia, Nsobe Community School, a borehole for 330 children, 13 teachers plus support staff and the surrounding homes. There is no water at the secondary school and the borehole at the primary school runs dry. It will also be used for hygiene and irrigation of crops, used at the schools and the feeding scheme £5,169

237 Kenya for Obunga and Nyalenda in Kisumu rehabilitation of 3km of water pipeline with 2,500 water points and hand washing facilities with Practical Action £5,778

236 Rwanda Mayange Refugee Community Project  a tank for each of the 50 houses with CED 250 beneficiaries, who were forced to return to Rwanda from Tanzania  (700 secondary beneficiaries) £15,000

235 Uganda  Agolitom & Okorom Primary Schools, Ngora 2 latrine blocks for girls   with Bujagali Trust £9,200 (400+ children per school)

234 Kenya  Kambini , deep hand dug well & Kapkateny Secondary School tank with Geoff & Diannah Trust £2250 & £1850

233 Malawi repair to 2 wells (proj.58 in 2003) with Self Help Africa £1910

232 Kenya, Kwanjura Special School (boarding, primary), Nyahururu  Water tanks  with Alice Gathoni £1500  for 45 children and 7 staff

231 Uganda  Akipi (719 people) and Obiya (594 people) 2 shallow wells with Afrinspire £4000

2017 Projects

230 Uganda  in Masindi, Kirandongo & Busia  areas, latrines for 3 nursery schools( 60,75,75 children) with Afrinspire £2778

229  Uganda in Midro, Busia & Mecdo  20 springs with Afrinspire £3,600

228 Ghana, Nakpayili Sanitation- 56 toilets, 69 soak aways, hand washing facilities in schools for 3750 pupils, community cleaning  £2500 with Christian International Peace Service 227 Kenya, Heshima  2 tanks £12457 with Build Africa  for 4,720 people

226 Zambia Sibanda borehole £7716  with Kaloko Trust , for 254 people

225 Uganda,  Rwentamu, charco-cum-valley tank £5,000 with  CED. For about 2,000 people

224 Uganda, Soroti £6,000 for 4 hand dug wells, with TDT.

223 Uganda for emergency electric pump repair on project 189, Kisaabwa.  £1078 with Hands up 4 Uganda

222 Kenya, Kimilili and Misikhu  . 2 large tanks £4000 with the Geoff & Dianah Trust

221 Uganda, Luwero district, hand dug shallow well £3,500 with Busoga Trust.

220 Burkina Faso, Tomba, borehole £7,500 with Transform Burkina.

219 Uganda, Busia region, shallow borehole £2,002  with Afrinspire. 780 people will benefit

218 Uganda, Buyende district, 9 household water jars with training £1,015 with UDS.

217 Kenya, Eucarbet Academy, large harvester £4,470 with Kiini.

216 Uganda, Paicho and Nangabo, 10 water jars and 10 sand filters £3,537 with Amigos.

215 Zambia, Katole borehole £5,600 with Build it International.

214 Mozambique Muanga village in Macate District,Well with sanitation education £5023 with Village Water for 502 people

209 Malawi underground water harvesting and hand pump to storage barrels Phase 2, £1,525 with Africa Vision. Uganda, Manafwa, 6 Springs & 6 Tanks £4227 with Afrinspire. Togo, Naki Est Village, refurbish two boreholes, £6,952 with Self Help Africa. Uganda, Soroti, 4 wells, £6,000 with Teso Development Trust.

2016 Projects

Burkina Faso, well for village, £6626  with Transform Burkina Faso.

Malawi, water harvesting, Phase 1 £980 with Africa Vision agreed Nov 16

Malawi, two shallow wells and repairs to 7 boreholes, £1,401 with Aid Africa.

Malawi, seven borehole repairs, £700, with Aid Africa.

Malawi, Monjo Primary School, £250, mounting a water tank and piping, with Aid Africa.

Uganda, shallow well, £3500, with Busoga Trust.

N. Uganda, Te Ogelo Well, deep well £6,150, with World in Need.

Zambia, borehole repair, £ 2500 for Kaniki Bible College. 

Zambia, Chitukuko borehole, £ 2763 with Build It International.

2015 Projects

Acimi Parish, North Uganda, well, £5,500 for 3 villages previously affected by war serving 800 inhabitants with World in Need.(Completed)

Bongwe, Malawi, £500 for 3 borehole repairs with Aid Africa .

Bungoma Diocese, Kenya, spring protection £1,350, with Geoff and Diannah Trust.

Namboani, well and pump,  £2,100, with Geoff and Diannah Trust.

Mwala Community, Zambia, £3813, borehole & pump with Build It International.

Kamuli, Uganda, £2,989 for 10 water jars with Uganda Development Services.  

Laditoywee, Uganda, £5,100 for deep borehole for Solidarity Farmers (SOFA).

Luwero, Uganda, £3,500 for shallow hand dug well with Busoga and Pearl Trusts.

Lira, Northern Uganda, well for 1028 inhabitants, £3,000, with World in Need.

Kisya – Kagaana, gravity water supply for 4,000 people, £10,000 with CED.

Katumba School, Zambia, borehole and pump, £4936 with Build It International.

Mbale and Manafwa, Uganda, £2,217, 6 springs and 6 tanks through Afrinspire.

Mpelembe, Zambia, boreholes and pump, £7,364 with Kaloko Trust

Mulelemba and other, Malawi, 5 boreholes repaired, £1,012 through Aid Africa - completed.

Malava, Kenya Rock Ministries, 2 tanks and connections, £2,430.

Soroti, Uganda, £6,000 for 4 shallow wells serving around 3,000 people with Teso Development Trust in north east Uganda.

Soroti, Uganda, 4 boreholes, £6,000 with Teso Development Trust.

Teso, N.E. Uganda, £4,018 for deep borehole to provide irrigation for around 36,000 widows with Teso Widows Development Initiative (TEWIDI).

Uganda, House of Joy Water Harvesting & tanks at £1,770

Uganda, Two boreholes, £3,800 with Hands Up For Uganda.

Zambia, £12,300, three wells and sanitation with Village Water.  Village Water has won UK Government funding which will match this donation £ for £

2014 Projects

3 Villages, Malawi, £262 for repairs to three pumps through Aid Africa.

4 Villages in Malawi, £381 for Repairs to 4 pumps through Aid Africa.  

Akwang, Kitgum, Uganda, £3,461 for rain harvesting - 6 water jars & 10 sand filters with Amigos.

Bilisoni, Malawi, £1050 to extend water supply to a further village with Aid Africa.

Bisuni, Kenya, £1,200 for new tank and spring source protection with Geoff & Dianna trust.

Ket Wangi, Kisumu, Kenya, £2,951 for shallow well and water tank with Friends of Ket Wangi.

Kisaabwa, Uganda, £3,000, for a deep borehole along with Hands Up 4 Uganda.

Kitwara Primary School, Kooki, Masindi, Uganda, £11,415 for a deep borehole through Build Africa.  

Malava, Kenya, £2,430, rainwater harvesting from hall roof - new water tank with Rock Ministries.

Mangowa, Kakonbwana and Chauliti villages, Zambia, £12,300 for 3 wells and sanitation for 500 people, with Village Water.

Namboani, Kenya, £1200, well alongside Geoff and Diannah Trust.

Tunyo and Floridah, Kenya, £2,500 for spring source protection with Geoff &Dianna Trust.

2013 Projects

Chebukuyi, Kenya, £800 for spring source protection with Geoff &Dianna trust.  

Chebukwa School, Kenya, £400 for a shallow well, alongside Free2be – also dedicated to Marion Jones.

Kitgum, Uganda, £5,100 for a deep borehole in a remote northern area of the country with new partners Solidarity Farmers (SOFA).

Kooki Masindi, Uganda, £5,200 for borehole and a toilet for a primary school along with Build Africa.  

Makutano, Kenya, £800, for a shallow hand dug well, with Free2be.  Well dedicated to the memory of our late Trustee Marion Jones.  (John – have an image of the plaque if you can use it anywhere) 

Malava, Kenya, £467 for pump repair alongside Rock Ministries.

Rushere, Uganda, £10,000, Charco, small dam for several villages with Christian Engineers in Development (CED).

Stunga village, Zambia, £4,500 for shallow well through Village Water.

2012 Projects

Busoga, Uganda, with the Busoga Trust, £3,500, shallow hand dug well.

Chebukwa & Wabuye, Kenya, in conjuction with Free 2 Be, £1,850, well and new tank.

Kira Farm, Nalyamagonja village, Uganda, with Amigos, £2,998, 10 rainwater harvest jars for 240 people.

Kisumu, Kenya, in conjunction with the Cherry Trust, £5,800, new well and rainwater tank.

Luina, Zambia,with Kaloko Trust, £7,364, borehole for 250 people.

Malava, Zambia, alongside Rescue our Children in Kenya, £1,024, extending water supply to nearby school.

Masindi,Uganda, alongside Build Africa, £5,200, borehole for 1533 children and adults.

Nyamabale GFS, Uganda, in conjunction with Africa Equipment for Schools.  £5,800 provided for gravity fed water harvesting.  

Sanjamba, Nakalala and Shakamaya villages in the Senanga District, Zambia, alongside Village Water, £12,000, three wells and sanitation for 350 people.

Soroti, Uganda, with Teso Development Trust, £11,200, 8 shallow wells.

Soroti, Uganda, in conjunction with Teso Development Trust.  £5,600 to provide 4 shallow wells.

Tabora, Tanzania, with Tabora League for Children, £1,912, water harvesting.

2011 Projects

Bikita, Zimbabwe, alongside Care International and funded by Bott and Co Solicitors.  £10,274 for water and sanitation for 2,400 children in 4 schools.

Bungoma Diocese, Kenya, alongside G & D Trust.  £2,410 has been provided for a new well and tank and to protect a spring.

Buyala, Uganda, alongside Chrysalis.  £1,800 for a well.

Fiwila School Water Supply, Zambia, in conjunction with FWS. £7,927 for spring filtration and distribution scheme for 400 pupils and teachers.

Gulu, Uganda, in conjunction with Christian Engineers in Development.  £11,748 for the development of an existing large borehole.

Kira Uganda, with Amigos, £3,050, water harvesting and jars.

Lusitu, Zambia, with Share Africa, £4,000, solar pump.

Malava, Kenya, £766 for water supply to a house with Rock Ministries.

Misenga School, Zambia, with Manchester Aid for Children, £4,600, borehole to 50m.

Makeni, Zambia, alongside Share Africa.  £10,300 to provide a 50m borehole and pump.

Pawaga, Tanzania, in conjunction with Christian Engineers in Development.  A further payment of £10,000 has been made for supply to 45,000 people in 14 villages.

Village Water, Zambia.  £11,670 to provide 4 wells and sanitation for 6 villages.

Zambia, with Village Water, £17,500, six village wells and sanitation.

2010 Projects

Burundi, in conjunction with Africa Christian Teaching Service, £1,000 water supply to school and orphanage.

Gulu, Uganda, in conjunction with Christian Engineers in Development.  £11,748 for the development of an existing large borehole.

Makeni, Zambia, alongside Share Africa.  £10,300 to provide a 50m borehole and pump.

Kira Uganda, with Amigos, £3,050, water harvesting and jars.

Lusitu, Zambia, with Share Africa, £4,000, solar pump.

Pawaga, Tanzania, in conjunction with Christian Engineers in Development.  A further payment of £10,000 has been made for supply to 45,000 people in 14 villages.

Zambia, with Village Water, £17,500, six village wells and sanitation.

2009 Projects

Fato/Ashgede, Ethiopia, with Self Help Africa, £7586, 2 shallow wells and a spring for 8,400 people.

Kyotera,Uganda, with Mitikula Womens Development Association, £6,000, 20 water tanks for more than 200 people.

Malawi, with Aid Africa, £735, repairs to 5 boreholes.

Moparo, Kenya, with the Peterborough diocese, £2,500, 3 water tanks.

Mulli, Kenya, £5,000, water tanker for children’s home.

Muona, Malawi, £845, borehole repairs.

Soroti, Uganda, with Teso development Trust, £5,600, 4 shallow wells.

Uganda, in conjunction with Christian International Peace Service, £970, borehole repairs.

2008 Projects

Blantyre, Malawi, alongside  the Fisherman's Rest Community Trust, £2,900, borehole, centre providing day care, health education and training.

Chebukutumi, Kenya, in collaboration with the Peterborough diocese, £4,500, storage tank for school and church.

Kaoma/Mongu, Zambia, with Village Water, £17,250, 6 villages wells and sanitation.

Lisitu, Zambia, in partnership with Share Africa, £6,000, borehole with handpump and storage tank for about 1000 people.

Luyando, Zambia, £8,400, boreholes at Livingstone and Kasempa.

Mapela, Bungoma, Kenya, with the Peterborough diocese, £1,500, hand dug well for Chebukutumi.

Mapela, Kenya, with the Peterborough diocese, £10,342, 28 tanks for 900 people.

Masvingo, Zimbabwe, with Christian International Peace Service, £12,051, 30 wells to provide irrigation for 15 community gardens for 1200 families.

Southern Zambia, with Village Water, £17,250, 6 wells

2006 - 2007 Projects

Ajota and Otmei Wera, Uganda, in partnership with the Teso Development Trust. £3000 has funded a borehole for two villages of 145 households

Bassoudougou, Doukpelou & Lassick,Togo,  in partnership with Harvest Help,££8,175 to refurbish 3 boreholes and drilling a new well.

Eldoret, Kenya. Final payments totalling £6,900 have been sent to fund a borehole for a home for 500 street girls, where the children are given shelter, education and life-skills training.

Gbangbamone, Togo, in partnership with Harvest Help. £4200 has funded a well for a rural community of 158 people.

Ihimbo, Uganda, in partnership with CED. A £10,000 donation has been sent to help fund a gravity pipeline serving a population of 2500 people.

Ipafu, Zambia, in partnership with Dignity. £9,875 funded 10 wells for 10 rural villages

Kampala, Uganda, in partnership with Amigos. £3,500 has provided a well, pump, fittings and storage tower for the Kira Farm Training Centre.

Kaniki, Zambia, providing a new borehole at Jabulani children’s village, £3,000

Kansanda, Zambia, in partnership with Dignity. £3,300 provided a borehole for a village community.

Karamoja/Teso border, Uganda, in partnership with CHIPS. £3100 has funded the refurbishment of three boreholes to resettle communities after the civil war.

Karusi, Burundi, in partnership with ACTS. £3400 has funded piping which will bring water to a secondary school for displaced young people who were caught up in the civil wars and genocide.

Karusi, Burundi, in partnership with ACTS. £5000 funded the second part of this project (two reservoirs and internal plumbing) for a secondary school for young, displaced people caught up in the civil war and genocide. Visit

Kasala, Uganda, £5000 has provided a borehole and hand pump for an orphanage and school.

Kochonga-Kochwech, Uganda, in partnership with Teso Developpment Trust. £6822 funded a borehole and water collection equipment for a community of 500.

Kordofan, Sudan, in partnership with Care International. £8833 has funded a reservoir which provides 8-10,000 people with water for irrigation, livestock and household use.

Kyotera, Uganda, in partnership with the Mitukula Women’s Development Association. £5320 provided 15 rainwater catchment tanks for a community of 30 families.

Maforga, Mozambique, in partnership with Next Generation Missions. £4800 has funded a survey and borehole for a technical school, where the young people learn mechanical and electrical skills.

Malava, Kenya, in partnership with Rock Ministries. £77350 funded the first two instalments to provide a borehole for a children’s village which will accommodate 210 children (mainly AIDS orphans).

Mbila, Zambia, in partnership with the Ivy Cottage Church. £9234 has been sent to provide a borehole for a clinic serving thousands of people in surrounding villages.

Mwabvi Wildlife Reserve, Malawi, in partnership with PAW. £4820 funded a survey and two boreholes for villagers working and living on the reserve.

Naisoya, Kenya, in partnership with Soapbox. £4000 was paid as the second instalment to provide a borehole for a community of 2000 people.

Nakyesa Village Kayunga District, Uganda, With Ronnie Maund, £4,800, borehole for Nakyesa Village Primary &Secondary schools, 650 children & the wider community.

Ndola, Zambia, in partnership with Next Generation Missions. £12200 has funded a water system for the Arthur Davison Hospital – the only paediatric hospital in Zambia.

Ndola, Zambia, in partnership with Next Generation Missions. £6371 funded the final payment to refurbish the water system at the Arthur Davison Paediatric Hospital.

Pawaga, Tanzania, £20,000, with Christian Engineers in Development, gravity feed line and stand pipes to supply 45000 people in 14 villages.

Zambia, in partnership with Village Water. £6750 has been sent to fund five shallow wells and five refurbished wells for rural communities.

Zambia, in partnership with Village Water. £12750 funded five wells for rural communities.

2005 - 2006 Projects

Mapogoro, Tanzania. In partnership with the Anglican Church of Tanzania, £9800 is funding a pump and a water distribution system to supply river water to several villages and a school with a population of around 2000 people.

Boadi, Kumasi District, Ghana. In partnership with Girlguiding (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), £1074 was paid to complete the funding for a borehole and hand pump for the King Jesus Charity Home.

Kandiana Luyumbo, Situya and Nalitongo, Zambia. In partnership with Village Water, £3500 is funding two shallow wells and a borehole for these three village communities.

Eldoret, Kenya. £685 has been sent to fund a hydrological survey and administrative costs relating to a borehole costing approximately £13000 for a home for 500 street girls. The first payment of £3160 for the drilling been dispatched.

Kapeshi, Zambia. In partnership with Ivy Cottage Church and World Outreach Team Action, £3300 is funding a borehole for a rural community including a primary school.

Buhara, Uganda. In partnership with Christian Engineers in Development, £25275 is funding a gravity piped supply of water which will serve a rural population of up to 4000, 3 primary schools and a dispensary.

Maforga, Mozambique. £4,550 has been sent to fund a borehole for a traditional school as part of the Maforga Christian Mission.

Mifumi, Uganda, in partnership with PROMPT. £6638 has funded a pumped water supply and storage for a school with 700 pupils.

Earlier Projects

Landmarks in the life of Wilmslow Wells for Africa


 Kitogo and Rhamucucu, Kabale District, Uganda. In partnership with Christian Engineers in Development (CED), we are providing £6,000 to complete the funding for the gravity feed pipeline to bring water from two natural springs to two rural communities.

Kalyamwenvu, Rakai District, Uganda (in partnership with CED): £9,375 to complete the funding for a valley tank providing water for a community of 1,200 people.

Mbila village, Zambia. Creation of a borehole at a cost of £3,300 for the population of 300 and the community school, who have no access to clean water. Visit for more information.

2003/2004: During the 20th anniversary year projects were funded in:

Zambia - a borehole, pump and tank for the clinic, playschool and widows centre, sawmill and skills centre at Jabulani Children's Village, Kaniki, Ndola.

Zambia - a new borehole for the 2,000-strong community at Nisaka.

Uganda - a gravity pipeline to bring fresh spring water to more than 3,000 people in four villages at Mugwanjura; benefiting health, sanitation, education and productivity

Malawi - four wells in the Lusangazi area, to serve two villages of 600 people and help to develop a programme of sustainable farming.

Uganda - an extra 40ft drilled for a well to provide a permanent water supply to Naminage in the Kamuli area. Also in this area, rainwater catchment tanks were provided for all houses at Murambi, saving the women of the village a three-mile trip to the river in the dry season.


Mozambique - irrigation equipment to grow maize and sunflowers successfully at Vila Maninga (Village of Places of Refuge). The village offers homes to destitute and orphaned children and includes a clinic, school and farm.


Rwanda - existing pipeline completed and water-drawing facility provided at a centre for orphans and widows of genocide at Nyagahandagaza, Kigali.