Christmas Cards – These raised £721.We give thanks to Rosemary Stubbs for designing this card and to James Townsley for printing them at no cost to us.
Jenny spoke about WWfA to Sale URC’s Church and Society Group.
November Souperday – Raised a wonderful sum of £1340. In memory of Diana Armstrong, it has been matched by her family. Diana was a long serving volunteer at WWfA events.
Bridge Drive – Another very enjoyable afternoon with all the tables taken. It raised £897. We thank in particular Jenny and Jim Morris for helping us to sell the tickets.
Ronald and Barbara Fawkes left us a generous legacy, allowing us to fund more projects in rural Africa.
A sponsored ride across the Trans Cambrian Way by Jim Pool, Rob Pettener, David Litchfield and Ian Nettleton raised £3,007. Included in this is a gift from “Matt remembered legacy fund”. Matt Treadgold was a young man with a passion for helping those with less. His motto was “A pound in the tin must be a pound in the ground”
Gawsworth Methodist Church Holiday Club –Many thanks to them for raising £64 for WWfA from their water themed sessions.
Trustees Meeting The Trustees met in September and agreed to the funding of 5 new projects. 11 projects had been completed since the last meeting
Jenny gave a presentation to Plumley WI and they generously gave £120 to WwfA
Jenny gave a presentation at Gorsey Bank School to the K St.2 assembly about our charity. She then went on to answer questions from two of the forms.
Gardens Day raised a magnificent £15,075. A very hot day still brought out our supporters to raise our highest total yet. The shady areas of the gardens were greatly appreciated and here refreshments could be enjoyed.
Ena Hughes, gifts given for her significant birthday raised £625. This was also in June
Handforth Children’s Concert raised again monies for us from their annual concert. This year £130 was raised in June.
Trustees Meeting. This was in June and agreed to the funding of 3 projects. 6 projects had been completed since the last meeting.
The 7th Wilmslow Guides raised £130 from their sponsored swim.
Gifts were given in memory of Beryl Jones and Betty Allen. Both were supporters of WWfA. Beryl served on our General Committee since 1991 and designed two of our Christmas Cards.
Bolton Day Rotary Club fully sponsored Project 232 at £1500. This has been completed. Funding was for water harvesting in Kenya at Kwanjura Special School
March Souperday Despite the very cold weather we had over 150 supporters coming to enjoy the homemade soup and bread, as well as the cakes! Only a pint of soup was left! It raised a wonderful £1,428. Thank you!
Wilmslow Ladies Luncheon Club Jenny Gibbs was invited to speak. After a delicious lunch Jenny talked about WWfA from its beginnings up until what we are doing today.
Fulshaw WI They continue to support us in so many ways. At their winter sale, Donna Johnstone raised £75 for WWfA; Jenny Gibbs was invited to speak at one of their meetings, and once again, for our March Souperday, they generously baked many lovely cakes. Thank you for all your support.
Barnby Choir We were invited to provide a soup lunch at their Singing Day. The sum raised of £245 was boosted by raffling of the generous gift of a photography session.
Joyce McClure Joyce was a member of the General Committee for many years. Not only did she support all the events but she gave many talks about WWfA. She has left us a wonderful legacy.
Trustees Meeting This was held in January and eight new projects have been approved. Following the AGM in the autumn it was agreed that WWfA would fund sanitation only projects should the funds be there. Our priority remains clean water for human consumption and irrigation.