Folk Night – a very enjoyable evening was organised by Mike Fairhurst at Prestbury. We thank Mike very much for the thought that he put into it to providing a varied program. It featured the folk group Now and Then, a cappella group Capriccio and a Jigs and Reel duo – Chris and John. The evening raised £268.
Jenny spoke at Henbury Mothers Union, raising £76
AGM – We welcomed Chris and Malcolm Haigh who spoke about volunteering in Uganda at Rusharatazi School (Project 263 ). Also an article was read about Kenya and the Special Needs Units where we have funded water harvesting and for one latrines as well (Projects 232, 244, 258, 269 ) Written by Alice Gathoni, who had returned to Kenya, it described why she had sought our help.
Alderley and Bollin Valley Inner Wheel held a lunch and wine tasting at Deanwater Hotel to raise money for us. Jenny will speak at their lunch in February.
November Souperday – A very busy day with lots of friends meeting up. £1,566 was raised – a reflection of the tremendous support given to us.
Trustees meeting – Since the last Trustees Meeting seven new projects have been approved and seven have been completed with satisfactory reports.
Bridge Drive – With all tables booked we raised £1000. Many thanks to Jenny and Jim Morris who widely advertise the event for us and then on the day offer advice to bridge players.
Alice Gathoni visited Wilmslow to thank us for support we have given to the special needs units – Embul-bul, Kwangora and Gatumi in Kenya.
Gardens Day Thank you very much for all the support given by so many on Gardens Day, from opening beautiful gardens that drew admiration from visitors, the volunteers that helped and the many visitors that came. A record breaking £17,700 was raised. The glorious day, enjoyed by all, will live on by transforming the lives of over 8,000 people in sub Saharan Africa in the provision of clean water , hygiene and sanitation.
Trustees meeting –7 new projects were approved for funding
Prestbury Gardening Club – here an enjoyable evening was had talking about our charity and looking forward to Gardens Day. £105 was given – thank you.
East Cheshire Ladies Association extended a warm welcome as well as a delicious lunch. Afterwards Jenny gave a talk about our charity and £104 was raised. We thank them for giving us this opportunity to talk about our beginnings and where we have progressed to.
March Souperday was very busy and raised a wonderful sum of £1,464. Many thanks to all the supporters and volunteers who make this happen.
Barnby Singing Day again saw us providing a soup lunch which meant we raised £137.