Thank you – during such a difficult nine months our thanks go to our supporters for their generous and consistent support of WWfA. Because of your continuing support reduction in our level of funding of projects has not been needed.
Highway One Trust Again our thanks go to the trust for their support in helping us to part fund Projects 294 and 296, Uganda. This is for latrines and water harvesting at St. Matia, Mulumba Primary School, Uganda.
Christmas cards Thank you to all who helped to raise £1085 from the sale of the cards. In particular, we thank Rosemary Stubbs who designed such an attractive card and James Townsley who printed them at no cost to us. Despite the difficulties that arose from the Christmas Card Christmas Shop not being able to open, sales were higher than in recent years. Cards were collected from porches, delivered to homes or posted. A tremendous effort – thank you.
Jenny spoke by Zoom to Manchester Breakfast Club and they kindly gave £50 to WWfA.
Jenny spoke via Zoom to Capesthorne and Siddington Wi about WWfA and we thank them for their generous donation of £245.
AGM Via Zoom meant that we could welcome those who normally could not attend because of distance. We welcomed our guest speakers residing in the UK – Lynda and David Mills from Aid Africa who spoke about their work in Malawi and Lydia Slack from Busoga Trust who spoke about their work in Uganda. We have funded many projects with both charities. Recently with Aid Africa – Projects – 298, 285, 281 and with Busoga Trust -280,279, 252,253. Alice Gathoni joined us from Kenya. Through Alice we have funded projects in 3 Special Needs Units in Kenya to provide sanitation, hygiene and water harvesting. Friends also joined us from around the UK as well as locally.
Souperweek Our usual Souperday was cancelled but was replaced by Souperweek from 25th -31st October. Offering 4 soup recipes, not found in our booklet, and a quiz people were asked to enjoy them during that week and beyond. As a result, £1300 was raised.
Newsletter We decided not to have the spring newsletter printed because of our concerns for those who hand delivered them. Therefore, the spring newsletter was emailed out only. However in the autumn, after consulting those who deliver the newsletters, the autumn newsletter was printed. We thank the group of volunteers who carry out this task – one of the many less visible jobs that help the charity to function so well.
Wilmslow High School – despite the very unsettled Spring and Summer terms of 2020 with lock down and COVID restrictions, Bollin House fundraised throughout the year and raised £1394.36 for WWfA. An amazing result!! Thank you so much.
Trustees Meeting Since the last meeting 9 new projects have been approved and 9 completed with satisfactory reports.
Gardens Day THANK YOU! Who would have thought, as we realised that Gardens Day, as we know it, would not be able to happen, that out of it such an incredible event would arise! Our Virtual Gardens Day toured 17 gardens. Thank you to the gardeners who talked about their gardens and showed them to us via photos and videos. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to John Fallows who edited the majority of the final videos and to David Cash who spent so much time liaising with the gardeners and John. The tour had viewers from all over the UK and abroad and raised a magnificent £20,400. This has enabled us to fund 4 more projects and more will follow. (Projects 285 – 288)
“Not Going Out Appeal” Many thanks to all who donated to this appeal. £1502 was raised and helped to fund Project 283 Embulbul School, Special Needs Unit, a substantial latrine and shower block for 30 pupils. This adds to Project 244 water harvesting and handwashing which is already completed.
Trustees meeting – since the last Trustees meeting 4 new projects have been approved and 7 projects have been completed with satisfactory reports.
March Souperday – despite numbers being down by 40% our income was only down by 20%. Our heartfelt thanks to our faithful supporters for helping us to raise £1,280.
Barnby Singing Day – a soup lunch raised £150
Alderley and Bollin Valley Inner Wheel held two lunches, one with wine tasting, raising in total £700. Thank you for the very warm welcome that was given and the interest that was shown , when Jenny spoke at February’s lunch
Bolton Daybreak Rotary Club – Our thanks to them for their continued support of us by generously donating £1000 towards a borehole repair in West Zambia.
Highway One Trust – We thank the trust for supporting us, by part funding Project 277 -latrines at Kwangora, Special Boarding Primary School, Kenya and in Zambia, Light of Hope School- the part funding of latrines (Project 278)
Christmas Cards – The sale of the attractive cards designed by Rosemary Stubbs and printed by James Townsley raised £739.50. Our thanks also go to Pam and Jim Townsley who organise the packing of them.