We have brought water to more than 350 villages
but so much more needs to be done

Wilmslow Wells for Africa 
is a direct action, volunteer-run charity, working through trusted contacts in Britain and Africa.
We provide clean water, hygiene and sanitation in drought-stricken areas of Africa.

Over 99% of everything we raise goes directly to water projects.
Since 1984 we have raised over £1.65 million and funded over 360 projects
helping to provide over half a million people with clean water .

Next events:

AGM 19.30 Mon. 28th October at Wilmslow Methodist Church

Souperday 11.30-14.00 Thurs. 31st October at St. Johns Church Rooms

View 40th Anniversary Slideshow

Our latest and exclusive Christmas card design from Rosemary Stubbs,
plus our notelets & books, now on sale in the Charity Christmas Card Shop
in Wilmslow Library: open during library hours until 7th December.


Tells the full story of WWfA and is available to purchase for £10.
100% of this will go directly to fund clean water projects thanks to generous donors covering production costs.

Copies available from Little Greene, 41, Alderley Road, Wilmslow 

A new Wilmslow Wells Challenge 

Catherine and Carys Bryan, daughter and granddaughter of Brenda Mottershead (our founder),
are each walking 5 kilometres per day for 40 consecutive days.
You can sponsor them here

The (original) Wilmslow Wells Challenge 

  A number of our intrepid supporters recently travelled from Wilmslow to Wells.
Using their bikes, or their bus pass.

You can see details of how they got on here  (bike)  & here (bus)
and you can still sponsor them here

Donate to Wilmslow Wells
99% of all donations go directly towards our work

Can you imagine...
 Not having a tap in your house   ● Walking a mile to collect polluted water  
● Five of your children dying of water-borne diseases

Brenda Mottershead witnessed these shocking conditions in South Africa. 
They inspired her to establish Wilmslow Wells for Africa ...

Now just imagine ... the joy of having a well in your village
from which everyone can draw clean water

The average family of four in Britain uses 500 litres of water a day.
Yet in many parts of Africa the only water available is so polluted that it kills both the humans and wildlife that have to share its source.

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Autumn 2024 Newsletter (New)
(catch up with news about our projects and events)

Spring 2024 Newsletter 

Treasurers Report 2022

Email List

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Thanks to everyone who supports our events ...

June 2024
Gardens Day
Raised over £17,000
April-June 2024
Wilmslow-Wells Challenge
Raised over £20,000
March 2024 Souperday
Raised £1,190
November 2023
Bridge Drive
Raised  £1,375

Our Water Engineer Reflects Click to view the video

Favourite World Gardens Click to view the video 

Virtual Gardens Day 2020 - still open for viewing: CLICK HERE

If you've enjoyed a video please consider making a donation
using the button above

Amazon Smile

You can now support Wilmslow Wells when you purchase items from Amazon

Go to smile.amazon.co.uk and select Wilmslow Wells for Africa as your chosen charity.

Always access amazon via the smile address in the future and 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases will be donated to Wilmslow Wells.   

Open the Amazon  app on your device
In the main menu tap 'Settings'

Tap 'AmazonSmile' and follow the instructions


Watch a borehole project from start to finish!!

If you can do find 30 mins to watch this amazing and instructive video compiled from  48 film clips taken the construction of  Kambini borehole.  It is truly fascinating to see how the work is carried out and the challenges that are faced to achieve success.  The final scenes show the first operation of the pump and the users' grateful thanks which is very rewarding

click here to watch in your browser

A Big Thank you to Wilmslow Wells

You may like to view this short video thanking Wilmslow Wells for our support. It is of a completed project providing water harvesting for 50 households. These are mostly Rwandan refugees forced to return to Rwanda from Tanzania

Mailing List

If you'd like to receive regular updates about our work and our events please join our email list